March 16, 2013 Rosie & Groby (pics)

Rosie had a busy weekend! Her brother Groby was adopted Saturday so she spent some time with him before his new family came for him. We are all very happy for Groby! Rosie has a new type of bandage that we hope will promote healing…I will post an update on this new approach later this week.

Rosie loves her brother!

Rosie loves her brother!

She's nosy!

She’s nosy!

Smile for the camera sweeties!

Smile for the camera sweeties!

Relaxing in the sunshine!

Relaxing in the sunshine!

Rosie is telling him he's a lucky guy!

Rosie is telling him he’s a lucky guy!

Rosie is just like any other dog...despite her unusual body shape, she is all dog! She loves just hanging out and watching the world go by! Look at that cute little tush!

Rosie is just like any other dog…despite her unusual body shape, she is all dog! She loves just hanging out and watching the world go by! Look at that cute little tush!

 Rosie saying goodbye to her brother before he goes home with Joy and Ron!

Rosie saying goodbye to her brother before he goes home with Joy and Ron!